
About me.

Hello, this is Alisa!!!
Before I start answering questions, I would like to talk a little about myself.
I am Alisa, and currently am studying at an private university in Tokyo.
I live with my cat Sophie, who is a Russian Blue that I adopted :)

I, myself grew up and went to an International School in Tokyo until 6th grade, then went to the states and attended middle and high school in Colorado until 2008. After that, I attended an private high school in Kyoto, and after graduation, attended an private university in Kyoto, but dropped out after an year.
I got back in to uni last year, and am currently in my sophomore year.
My father is English, and my mother is Japanese which makes me an mix, and due to the fact that I look more foreign than Japanese, I get a lot of compliments on my Japanese such as "Wow, your Japanese is so good!" which annoys me at times because I grew up in Japan, and people shouldn't just assume that I'm completely foreign!
Anyways, I like to do horseback riding for fun, and have been riding since I was 6 years old.

Anyways, that was a little something about myself!!



Our questionnaire

This is an questionnaire we made in order to find out how people feel about education.
Please do answer to this survey, since we have to make an presentation about this issue on our final day of class, which is on July 24th.


Thank you!!!

Its monsoon season in Japan, so we need to carry an umbrella wherever we go.
It is terrible.

Alisa and Haruka


This is a word cloud made by wordle.
This shows all the words to which an article was made from.
I used

Knott, Matthew . "Universities in united stand over student debts." . The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 June 2014. Web. 5 June 2014. <http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/universities-in-united-stand-over-student-debts-20140604-39jhj.html>.

This talked about the cons of university studies, and problems about it.

word cloud

The following word cloud is made from POD, the organization which devotes for improving teaching and learning in higher education.

"Strategic Plan & Mission Statement." . Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education, n.d. Web. 5 June 2014. <http://podnetwork.org/about-us/mission/>.